commercial ice cream maker [ White Mountain F69206-X 6-Quart Electric Ice Cream Freezer ]

White Mountain F69206-X 6-Quart Electric Ice Cream Freezer

commercial ice cream maker ,commercial ice cream maker for sale



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 Product Features

* Ingredients for 6 liters of ice cream, frozen yogurt and other frozen desserts
* The electric motor is easy to mock the traditional family
* Stainless steel freezer can and stick cylinder
* Ice cream, frozen yogurt contain sorbet recipes
* Freezer may dough and are dishwasher safe 


Product Description Review
For half a century, a woman in New York with the crank freezer, ice cream is worth every American family. My mother mixed with ice cream blended to achieve the father of a wooden tubs of ice and salt at low temperatures for beverage containers, children are encouraged to turn the crank, and all are satisfied with the drinking bowl as a reward. Activity is a combination of family remains a living than a century, "progress". Various ice, frozen yogurt, sorbet regulations that old white mountain ice to keep the tradition. Only stainless steel, the use of modern cooling and the electric motor can draw whip maker, this robust than previous generations. And the year is to weave the story of a family. - Fred Brack